Aditya Packers and Movers

Aditya Packers and Movers

International Quality Packing Moving Services
9873731301, 9873731391 - Email
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About Us

Aditya Packers and Movers is the unbeaten agency, among a swarm of moving agencies in India. We offer the best solution to your relocation demands. We have 10 years of experience in our job and are licensed and insured. Experts in our agency take the utmost care to transport goods with precautions. Providing extensive services at an affordable price is our focus. Customer satisfaction is the aim of our agency. For the convenience of our customers, we are offering services in all the leading towns and cities of India. 

We have a team of qualified people, who are experts in their work. The needs and requirements of the customers are taken care of by them. Apart from the conventional methods of transportation and relocation, they also find innovative ways to do the work effectively and quickly. We provide doorstep services for the convenience of our clients. Our team handles each assignment with dedication, sincerity, and up-to-date technology. It results in 100% job satisfaction, and this is the reason that the clients choose us among the pool of competitors. We win the trust of our esteemed clients, by fulfilling all their expectations.

Aditya Packers and Movers are graded A-1 in the industry. We never compromise the quality of our work and maintain international quality measures. The latest techniques and equipment for handling the commodities are always applied by our team for the delivery of every consignment within the expected time. Delivering the consignment in perfect condition is what we do. 


on rated 5
Had hired them to move one 5 seater and center table within Gurgaon.. Got packed and moved properly.
on rated 5

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Aditya Packers and Movers - Head Office - Gurgaon

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