Dangi Packers and Logistics

Dangi Packers and Logistics

Hassle-free Moving Services
9100982012, 9660139073 - Email
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About Us

Launched in the year 2017, DPL Logistics Packers and Movers has accomplished an expert in delivering trustable services in the field of packing and transportation of goods all over India. We have a complete understanding of all the locations of the country, and we even have literal details regarding a wide range of customers in our database. Soon, as we receive the contract from our client, our professionals begin the tasks according to our customer's needs. Masters of DPL Logistics Packers and Movers also take better responsibility for official processes such as negotiations, documentation, and legal aspects.

Clients are aided by our consultation professionals, trained and technical human resources, reliable network, etc. We achieve the moving job of items based on the secure order system and laws for a predominant fluffiness of the client. Under the direction of our mentors, We can offer more variety of packing and moving-related solutions to our clients. Our competence in delivering the most treasured deals in the field has assisted us in demonstrating a strong client base.


on rated 5
on rated 5
Good service provided
on rated 5
We have used Assureshift for shifting our luggage as part of house shifting.. they have assigned Dangi Packers and Logistics as our service partner… overall the service was very smooth and great. On time service and easy moving … very happy with the service Recommend others to use this service
on rated 1
Don't belive his words when he calls and if you commited to shift with this dandu palyam batch ensure that check all your products fans,fridge,geyser,ac working and damages then only pay amount.Becouse of this team worrest service I have loss 4800/- and lot of items missing observed after they left.I have tried to contact Pradeep Dange but not answering my calls.to worrest service.
on rated 5
I'm so happy. Is good service. All item packing. Fast service.

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Dangi Packers and Logistics - Head Office - Hyderabad

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