Leoreliable Packers and Movers

Leoreliable Packers and Movers

Smooth and Professional Moving Services
8626055311, 9637766311 - Email
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About Us

Leoreliable Packers and Movers company was established long years back, we found that there were not a lot of companies providing a professional service and the firms were not training staff properly with removal logistics. We at the Leoreliable Packers and Movers make sure all our team has taken a two weeks training course where things like how to pack cutleries, and how to use packing and moving equipment are covered in the training modules. Our packers and movers staff are professionally trained and have extra attention to detail, so be assured of a smooth and professional move with us. Our clients love what we do and come back to us repeatedly.


on rated 5
It was great experience with reliable with work employees.
on rated 5
My name is Rahesh,my house hold items Pune to Vijayawada sifting very nice packing and supr past work, all the best Leoreliable Packers and movers, good service door to door
on rated 5
Best Services of Leoreliable
on rated 3
Not at all professional, packing done badly and were demanding on getting the packing cartoons back immediately once reached the destination.
on rated 5
Very Good team management...work Efficiency is Good...On time Goods Delivered.

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Leoreliable Packers and Movers - Head Office - Pune

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