Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers

Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers

International Quality Relocation Services
9763200077, 9763100077 - Email
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About Us

Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers is an excellent name among packers and movers service providers in India. We provide services to all cities in India. We offer world-class packing, loading, unloading, transportation, unpacking, and car transportation services including warehousing of household goods and commercial goods in India. Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers conducts more than 3,000 relocations every year, transferring corporate and government employees and moving individual customers.

Our relocation experts are always committed to providing international quality relocation solutions for each and every type of requirement. Our management team includes some of our industry’s most respected leaders-men who redefine relocation every day in their words and deeds. They are charged with ensuring that Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers is moving the relocation industry forward and that itself leads the charge. Our management team insists upon excellence in all that we do; most notably, in serving our customers.


on rated 5
I had a good shifting experience with Assureshift referral company Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers.
on rated 5
I am very happy with the service of Shivdhara packers and movers. while I was shifting within pune.The way of packing is also a genuine one.
on rated 5
We have used Shivdhara packers for our household shifting from pune to mumbai and we are happy to with all services from door to door Thanks to pravin bhai.
on rated 5
Full doorstep service really I'm happy with the service and I received all my goods without any damage so much perfect work.
on rated 5
My friend recommended me to contact Assureshift got hassle-free shifting.

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Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers - Head Office - Pune

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