Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers

Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers

International Quality Relocation Services
9763200077, 9763100077 - Email
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About Us

Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers is an excellent name among packers and movers service providers in India. We provide services to all cities in India. We offer world-class packing, loading, unloading, transportation, unpacking, and car transportation services including warehousing of household goods and commercial goods in India. Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers conducts more than 3,000 relocations every year, transferring corporate and government employees and moving individual customers.

Our relocation experts are always committed to providing international quality relocation solutions for each and every type of requirement. Our management team includes some of our industry’s most respected leaders-men who redefine relocation every day in their words and deeds. They are charged with ensuring that Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers is moving the relocation industry forward and that itself leads the charge. Our management team insists upon excellence in all that we do; most notably, in serving our customers.


on rated 5
Nice packers and movers and affordable. Packaging loading and unloading were good. Shivdhara packers and movers doing work very fast. Relocation within the timeline.
on rated 5
One mover and packers which one can rely on, they take care of your valuable stuff and handover to you with the utmost care. I actually don't give reviews but their service for 'being responsive' and money for 'good value' during this off lockdown period forced me to do so. Thank you so much Sanjay Ji. Also, please ignore bad reviews and don't go for expensive services
on rated 1
This is the worst service provider I have ever came across. No proper response, no proper work, no responsibility at all. Doesn't take care of the luggage. Rather hire a local vendor than this
on rated 1
Recently i had availed Shivdhara movers and packers relocation services which had engaged being their vendor partner. The movers and packers service's for relocation was from Pune and Bangalore. They formally allocated shivdhara movers and packers for providing the quote post inspection of the household items. For me who wants to avoid dealing with a mover and packer directly for logistics related coordination I felt Nobroker will provide me hassle free relocation experience.However it turned out to be a completely unprofessional experience both due to and most prominently because of Shivdhara movers and packers and their Unprofessional team. Shivdhara movers and packers asked for 4-5 days to do the shifting. Hence i have to plan my tickets accordingly which was close to delivery dates. They had given huge lead time to be safer from their end. However when I reached Bangalore I didn't get the baggage on the promised day. Also when I got the goods it was in damaged state. The iron Almirah was dented at multiple places, wooden study was chipped off at multiple places.There were may other damages along with matteress getting too dirty. Hence I asked them to make remaining payment ( 15% of the total amount) after I get a cat which was yet to be delivered. I was really concerned about the condition of the car looking already done delivery of goods. They threatened me not to deliver the car unless I make a payment first. Also they shrugged off responsibility of good condition delivery of my items saying your insurance should cover it. Kindly be very careful with them if you would be availing Shivdhara movers and packers services.They are **NOT** trustworthy at all.
on rated 5
My experience with Shivdhara packers and was excellent. Hats off to the entire Shivdhara Team

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Shiv Dhara Packers and Movers - Head Office - Pune

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