Shri Agarwals Movers and Packers

Shri Agarwals Movers and Packers

Professional Packing and Moving Services
9307095438, 9451536426 - Email
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About Us

We at Shri Agarwal Movers and Packers are a well-established organization situated in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Our organization is engaged in providing premium quality moving & packing services. Shri Agarwal Movers and Packers is a one-stop solution for all your mobility needs, with respect to anybody relocating within India or overseas.

Our Mission

The company’s mission is to serve you in the best manner possible. This means right from the packing of your goods to unpacking them, professionals in our fold are ready to help you out, and they do it with ease and efficiency because they have been trained to do all this. You can expect nothing but the best from professionals waiting to work for you.

Our Vision

The vision before the founders of the company was to seek the comprehensive satisfaction of all those looking for help while relocating their residences. The company has been marching ahead with its vision clearly in mind for the past several years.


on rated 5
My small size shop was shifted from Kanpur to Lucknow by them. Best experience ever I got with them. Good rate & best packing method they use.
on rated 5
My office shifting requirement was complete by them with full manners & etiquette.
on rated 5
They delivered my furniture on time and provided a great service.

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Shri Agarwals Movers and Packers - Head office - Kanpur

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