Swastik Packers and Movers Mumbai

Swastik Packers and Movers Mumbai

Safe and Secure Moving Services
9702320902, 9029717599 - Email
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About Us

Swastik Packers and movers is a Mumbai-based logistical service provider. We are one of the most reputed and trusted packers and movers in and around Mumbai, India. Our services are executed by teams of qualified, trained and experienced professionals. We provide excellent service and ensure the safe transportation of goods at a competitive price. We assure you that, from beginning to end, your move will be coordinated and executed by us.


on rated 5
Service was good
on rated 5
It was a pleasure working with Assure Shift and Swastik movers and packers. It was a seamless experience right from the time I registered with Assure Shift till all my household goods were moved to my new home.
on rated 5
All promises fulfilled Really good service
on rated 5
It was great and smoothly delivered

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Swastik Packers and Movers Mumbai - Head Office - Mumbai

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