Trans Express Relocations

Trans Express Relocations

Premier Moving Company
9341010111 - 1, 8032491534 - Email
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About Us

Trans Express Relocations company is a renowned name for the past 10 years, in the field of Transport. We count every single second to deliver your consignment faster. Moving folks like you, around the world, for ten years. We started as a Delhi-based packing and moving company in 2009.

We're India’s premier moving company handling all types of moves - local relocations, commercial moves, office relocations, and international removals. 5,000 people have trusted us to pack and move their house, office, hotel, restaurant, plant, and machinery. We are delighted to serve executives, families, and CEOs, all over the world. For the relocation services we provide, we have won 12 acclaimed awards - 10 from Cartus and 2 from Weichert.

We are accredited with the best moving associations, known for their international service quality standards, globally. This means that you can rest assured when you do business with Trans Express Relocations. What's more, we're part of a group that's a leader in all its businesses.


on rated 5
Very good experience by Trans Express professional staff good experience and all team management v good so confirm next time my shifting call you...Really hard working peoples
on rated 4
Really nice, I'm very happy with their services,Nice staff,well behavior.
on rated 5
I relocate my stuff from Gurgaon to Bangalore . I got my all stuff in good condition. Service was very nicely

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Trans Express Relocations - Head Office - Gurgaon

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